Friday 2 October 2009

Towards a more stable catamaran (beaten to the punch!)

I have just found that this is actually quite a old idea. According to a Wikipedia article about the "Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull":

"The SWATH form was invented by Canadian Frederick G. Creed, who presented his idea in 1938, and was later awarded a British patent for it in 1946. It was first used in the 1960s and 1970s as an evolution of catamaran design for use in oceanographic research vessels or submarine rescue ships."

Ah well ...

I would love to either make my living from a job where I am paid to think, or to be in a position to do something with these ideas, but I am in neither the job I have know involves a certain amount of being paid to think, but there is quite a bit of mundane, dreary or unpleasant administration, commercial and competitive stuff as well – and some good training and interaction with good people) . So I have created this web site to at least allow me the opportunity to get my ideas out where, maybe, someone can either use them, or be inspired by them, to come up with something that is of benefit to this world or the people who share it. All I ask for is at least full credit where due.

(If someone else has come up this or a similar idea, that is good: it means humanity gets to try and assess the idea. I’ve missed out on a few patents in this lifetime, including one for a flexible skin, “thick” airfoil style of sail that someone in Perth was organised enough to develop from a concept (which is all that these posts re) into something workable. If nothing else, maybe my post will create a sort of 100th monkey effect, contributing to wider use of an idea.*)


* That does not apply to the footy tactics post: that one is pure vanity :)

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